Identity Theft
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Call Now For Your Free Private Investigation Consultation!


Identity Theft

Identity Theft Cases


Identity theft is as common as it is difficult to prove. Identity thieves work in the shadows and on the internet to acquire identifying information about their unsuspecting victims. Spy Tech private detectives in Tampa have the experience and resources to trace and eventually identify these criminals. Our forensic specialists can follow the trail of digital “bread crumbs” typically left behind that can lead directly to the culprit.


It is critical to initiate an identity theft investigation as soon as possible because the thief will not linger, and will usually move on to other victims in a very short period of time. Our Tampa private investigators include former federal agents and a full time practicing attorney who have worked together to solve complex identity theft cases, and stand ready to help solve yours.


It takes a trained, experienced identity theft investigation specialist to ferret out the various methods uses by identity thieves. Some of the most common include:


  •             Card Skimming
  •             Card Cloning
  •             Fraudulent Purchases
  •             Unauthorized Transactions
  •             “Phishing”
  •             Cell Phone Hacking
  •             Computer Hacking
  •             Network Security Breaches

Call Now For Your Free Private Investigation Consultation!


Identity Theft Investigations

It also takes trained “boots on the ground” investigators to conduct surveillance and obtain the necessary video evidence to positively identify the thief. Sometimes the thief gets your information by simply by stealing your mail, copying medical records or searching through your trash for discarded invoices, pay stubs or bank statements.


As this type of crime is becoming so rampant, law enforcement can do very little to assist. But Spy Tech America inc in Tampa is ready to act. One of our most recent cases involved a client who moved out of a rental unit. Apparently, some of her mail continued to be sent to the old address which was received, and opened by the new tenant. Almost immediately, our client began receiving numerous rejection letters for credit cards and lines of credit the she had not applied for. Because we were notified very quickly after the theft was discovered, our team jumped into action and was able to identify and locate the thief at their current address in just a couple of weeks.


If you have been a victim of identity theft in Tampa or anywhere in the State of Florida, Spy Tech can help solve the theft and provide you with the information the banks and credit reporting agencies require to begin clearing your credit.


Spy Tech America inc in Tampa can provide you the answers you need, and the peace of mind you deserve. Call for a free, confidential identity theft case evaluation. Because, what you don’t know…CAN hurt you!


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Spy Tech America inc has over 50 Years Experience conducting investigations.