A picture is worth a thousand words. Video Surveillance? Priceless.
Surveillance provides the framework for any competent PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR in TAMPA. In most cases, it is by far the best, and often the only option when investigating an individual’s movements, habits and personal contacts. Whether it is a cheating spouse or lover, insurance fraud, worker’s compensation fraud, bodily injury, stalking or employee theft, there is simply no better way to document concrete facts that with video and photographic evidence.
Simply stated, our experienced investigators are surveillance specialists. We have male and female Surveillance investigators ranging from their mid 20s to their mid 60s to seamlessly fit into any environment. Our team of investigators includes several former federal government operatives with a wide range of national and international experience as well as a full time in-house practicing attorney. This assures that Spy Tech conducts all investigations in the most professional manner within the guidelines of all federal, state and local laws.
We utilize a wide variety of state-of-the-art covert surveillance equipment. Our standard equipment includes digital 35mm cameras and camcorders with powerful zoom lenses to the tiniest, virtually undetectable body-worn cameras concealed in watches, key fobs and more. We can monitor the subject of the surveillance and capture their movements discreetly and confidentially.
In addition, Spy Tech has a long-term partnership with Spy-Tech America, a leader in the design and manufacture of covert video camera systems. If you have concerns or suspect abuse by a babysitter, nanny, elder caregiver, employee theft, unruly neighbor or unsupervised teenager, we can custom design and build an undercover camera to fit ANY room or exterior location. We build case specific cameras that are virtually undetectable even when placed in plain sight in your home or office.
Our surveillance experts are unmatched in the efficient, and discreet tailing of a target, whether mobile, on foot or static. Sadly, CHILD CUSTODY, abuse and neglect cases are very common. Spy Tech Investigators have participated in numerous such cases for more than 25 years. Spy Tech leaves no stone unturned, utilizing surveillance, covert video and “boots on the ground” investigative techniques to obtain the critical evidence necessary in any case where a child may be at risk.
STALKING AND HARASSMENT cases are becoming increasingly common. Although not usually resulting in violence, if not handled promptly and properly, they sometime do with tragic consequences. Even if not physically injured by their tormentor, the emotional and psychological damage can be terrifying and life changing. Effective, comprehensive Threat Analysis is the bedrock of any stalking or harassment case and Spy Tech investigators have years of experience in pursuing them.
Areas of video surveillance we routinely provide include:
No matter what type of case, with our Tampa team of specialized surveillance agents unobtrusively observing and digitally recording from the shadows, we provide a credible eyewitness who is properly licensed to testify in court in addition to providing photo/video evidence. Typically, the target never knew we were there until confronted with the evidence we provide.
One of the most professional, intelligent and highly responsive experiences I've ever had. Timely information, courteous demeanor and helpful advice are just a few of the benefits of working with Rick at Spy Tech America inc. Highest recommendation is easily passed on!
Ruth M., 08/23/2019, Clearwater, Florida
I needed a private investigator skilled in cyber investigation services in the Tampa area. After much research, I found Spy Tech America inc. The owner asked me quite a few questions about the details of my case and then he set proper expectations. I was pleased to know that they are forensic experts in cyber investigation. Hiring Spy Tech America inc was an easy choice. They provided me with the indisputable evidence that I needed for my case. They exceeded my expectations!
Mike A., 10/02/2019, Tampa, Florida
I've used Spy Tech America inc several times over the last few years. Primarily with private investigation work. He even helped my daughter, who is a teacher, catch a student who was stealing money at her high school. Rick provided her with a key fob for her car which contained in it an HD hidden camera. They filmed the crime and caught the thief. Highly recommend!
Rick Q., 11/07/2019